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Last updated 21/11/2024


The Paper Parachute
This page is being used to collect information about the history of Paper Parachutes, of which there are various kinds, some made from unfolded and some from folded sheets of paper.. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.



A way of making an uncut paper parachute from tissue paper appears in 'The Boy's Treasury of Sports, Pastimes and Recreations' by Samuel Williams, which was published by D Bogue in London in 1844.



As far as I know the first appearance of this design in the historical record is in 'The Boy's Own Toymaker' by Ebenezer Landells, which was published in 1859 by Griffin and Farran in London and by Shephard, Clark and Brown in Boston.



The Paper Parachute also appears in 'Spielbuch fur Madchen' by Maria Leske, which was published by Verlag von Otto Spamer in Leipzig in 1865. The text suggests holding the parachute close to a house wall in the summer so that it will rise by convection.


The arrow launched parachute also appears in a similar form:


In 'The Popular Recreator', which was published by Cassell and Co in London in 1873.



In 'Un million de jeux et de plaisirs' by T de Moulidars (a pseudonym of Jules Trousset 1842-1905), which was first published in 1880 and subsequently republished under the title 'Grande encyclopédie méthodique, universelle, illustrée, des jeux et des divertissements de l'esprit et du corps'.



In 'Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games and Fireside Fun', which was published by Cassell and Co in London in 1881.



As 'Paper Parachute' in 'The Home Book for Very Little People' by J H Vincent, which was published by Phillips and Hunt in New York in 1887.



Issue 998 of 'La Nature' of 16th July 1982 contained an article by Arthur Good explaining how to build a launch tube for the Paper Parachute.



As 'El paracaidas' in 'Repertorio Completo de Todos los Juegos' by de Luis Marco y Eugenio de Ochoa y Ronna, which was published in Madrid by Bailly-Bailliere e hijos in 1896.



In 'Travaux Recreatifs Pour les Enfants de 4 a 10 Ans' by Marie Koenig, which was published by Librairie Hachette et Cie in Paris in 1898



A method of launching a paper parachute using a cardboard tube and a rubber band appears in the 1st Volume of 'Kolumbus-Eier', which was published in Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig probably c1899.


Instructions for making a simple form of the parachute appear in 'Le Livre des Amusettes' by Toto, which was published in Paris by Charles Mendel in 1899.


The design also appears:


In 'Mes Jolie Jeux' by Henriette Suzanne Bres, which was published by Librairie Hachette in Paris in 1900.



In a very basic form in the Buenos Aires edition of the magazine 'Caras y Caretas', Issue 238, of 25th March 1905, where it is just called 'paracaidas'.



In 'Les Bon Jeudis' by Tom Tit, which was published in Paris in 1906 by Librairie Vuibert.



In ' 'Petit Manuel de Travaux d'Amateurs' by H de Graffigny, which was published by Collection A L Guyot in Paris in 1909. Of the Paper Dart and the Parachute the author says, 'These are two small objects which most schoolchildren know how to make.'



As 'el para-caidos' in an article in 'Los Muchachos' of 15th August 1915.



'Paper Magic' by Will Blyth, which was first published by C Arthur Pearson in London in 1920.



As 'El Paracaidos' in 'Trabajos Manuales y Juegos Infantiles' by Francisco Blanch, which was published by I. G. Seix y Barral Hermanos S.A.- Editores in Barcelona in 1923.



As 'El Paracaidas' in 'Juguetes de Papel', which was published by Editorial Muntanola in Barcelona c1930.



Booklet 5 of 'Images a Plier', a series of 6 booklets published by Librairie Larousse in Paris in 1932.



As 'Paper Parachutes' in 'Fun with Paper' by Joseph Leeming, which was published by Spencer Press Inc in Chicago in 1939.
