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Last updated 7/12/2024


The Blintz Box or Masu
This page is being used to collect information about the history of the paperfolding design I call the Blintz Box but which is also often just known as the Masu (which just means box in Japanese). Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

The Blintz Box is closely related to the Junk Box (the box from which the Chinese Junk is made) and to the Winnowing Box.

This page also includes references to the cut version of the design (although the cuts are in fact unnecessary).


In Japan (and in publications by Japanese authors)


As far as I know the first appearance of this design in Japan is in 'Origami (Part 1)' by Isao Honda, which was published in Japan in 1931.


This design also appears:


In 'Origami Shuko' by Isao Honda, which was published in 1944.



As 'Treasure Box' (with lid) in 'Origami: Book Three' by Florence Sakade, which was published by the Charles E Tuttle Company in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo in 1959.


As 'A Measuring Box' in 'Pocket Guide to Origami: Bow-Wow Book', by Isao Honda, which was published by the Asahi Origami Club, Tokyo in 1959.



As 'A Measuring Box' in 'All About Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Toto Bunka Company, Limited in Tokyo in 1960.



In 'The World of Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published in the USA by Japan Publications Trading Company in 1965.



The cut version appears as 'Box with Valentine' in 'Origami in the Classroom: Book 2: Activities for winter through summer' by Chiyo Araki was published by Charles E Tuttle Co Inc in 1968. The diagrams also suggest making a lid from a larger square of paper.


In Europe and the Americas


A design, 'Het ashbakje' (the ash tray), which appears to be the Blintz Box / Masu is illustrated in 'De Kleine Papierwerkers: Volume 1: Wat men van een stukje papier al maken kan: Het vouwen' (What one can make from a piece of paper Folding), one of a series of four books written by Elise Van Calcar and published by K H Schadd in Amsterdam in 1863.



A design called 'Das Geschlossene Kasten' (the closed box), which is not illustrated, but which is most probably the Blintz Box / Masu, appears in a list of designs in 'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer, which was published by Habel in Berlin in 1869.



A picture of what appears to be the Blintz Box or Masu appears in the revised third version of 'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer which was published by Carl Babel in Berlin in 1874.



Diagrams appear in Lois Bates' 'Kindergarten Guide', which was first published by Longmans, Green and Co in London in 1897. This is the earliest instance I know of where folding diagrams are presented in the form of a photo montage.


This design also appears:


As 'Quadratische Schachtel' (Square Box) in 'Falten und Formen mit Papier' by Richard Rothe which was published by Deutscher Verlag für Jugend und Volk in Vienna and Leipzig in 1923.



As 'Schachtel' in 'Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein' by Johanna Huber, which was published by Otto Maier in Ravensburg, Germany, probably in 1927.



As 'Boite' in 'Jeux de pliages' by Ferdinand Krch, which was published by Flammarion in Paris in 1933.



With four unnecessary cuts in 'Faltarbeiten aus Papier 1' (Paperfolding Work) by Georg Netzband, which was published by W Kohlhammer Verlag in Stuttgart and Berlin in 1936 as a handbook to accompany educational film F57.


As 'Quadratischer Kasten mit Deckel' (Square Box with Lid) in 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hilde Wulff and Carola Babick, which was published in Leipzig and Berlin in 1936. The text says, 'This box is particularly suitable for folding a colourful set, one of which always fits into the next larger one'. Lids are made from slightly larger squares than the bases.



As the 'Open Box' in 'Paper Toy Making' by Margaret Campbell, which was first published by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd in London, probably in 1937, although both the Foreword and Preface are dated 1936, which argues that the book was complete at that date.



As 'La Caja Cuadrada' (The Square Box) in the extended version of 'El Mundo de Papel' by Dr Nemesio Montero, which was published by G Miranda in Edicions Infancia in Valladolid in 1951. In this version the basic box is provided witha lid made in a similar way.



As 'Utility Box' in 'Paper Magic' by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne in London in 1956



The cut version olf the design appears as 'Kastchen' in 'Wir Falten' by Joachim Schönherr and Gerta Schumann, which was published by Rudolf Arnold Verlag in Leipzig in 1961.



As 'Box' in 'Secrets of Origami', by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne Book Company in London in 1964 where it is said to be Japanese.
