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Last updated 13/2/2024


Allerlei Papierarbeiten by Hilde Wulff and Carola Babick, 1936
'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hilde Wulff and Carola Babick was published in Leipzig and Berlin in 1936 as one of a series of activity books from the working group of the Pestalozzi-Frobel House.

The information on this page is taken from the ninth edition, issued in 1941. The Foreword to the Seventh Edition, which it contains, states that it is being 'redesigned and reclothed', but as far as I know, the designs explained in this edition are the same as in the first edition. The photographs are probably new to the seventh edition.

This photograph illustrates the Blow-up Devil, Horse and Rider, Stack of Blintz Boxes, Snake from a Witch's Ladder and a Snapper, and Accordion (see below).

I have not been able to find a copy of the work online.

In accordance with the original principles of Frobelian paperfolding the Introduction states, roughly, 'the examples given here should not be recommended (only) for faithful imitation, but are intended in such a way that mother and child get space and inspiration for all kinds of paperwork'.



Das Falten (Paper Folding)

Other designs, including 'Himmel and Holle' (Heaven and Hell) - the Salt Cellar, are mentioned in the text but not illustrated.

Simple Forms of Life

1. Book


2. Sailing Ship


3. House




Bauernhaus (Farmhouse)


More Complicated Forms

4. Kite


5. Flunder (Flounder) -


Tisch - The Table

Mentioned in the text but not illustrated


Windmuhle - The Windmill


Cigarrentasche - The Cigar Case


Blumenvase - The Vase


Schiff - The Boat with Sail


Vogel - The Cocotte / Pajarita


Schweinchen - The Pig


Fangballbecher (Catch Ball Cup) - The Paper Cup


Schnappschnabel - The Paper Snapper


Schlange (Snake) - The Witch's Ladder

(This is combined with the Paper Snapper to make a snake. See photo above.)


Aufgeblasener Teufel (Blow-up Devil) - The Wild Man from Borneo


Ball - The Waterbomb


Ziehharmonika (Accordion) -


Ross und Reiter - Horse and Rider

The text says, roughly, 'The rider on his horse is an old folding form whose origins Rugelgen describes so humurously in his 'Youthful Memories of an Old Man'. A footnote reads, 'Original model in the Germanischen Museum in Nuremberg.'


Windmuhle - The Cut and Fold Windmill


Windpfeil (Wind Arrow) - The Paper Dart

Despite the odd instructions and drawing this design is probably intended to be the Paper Dart.


Flieger - The Swallow


Helm - The Newspaper Hat


Schiff - The Paper Boat


Spike Tute - Glued Paper Cone


Vieredige Tute - Four-sided Bag

The text says this is 'a real merchant's bag' finshed by gluing the bottom together.


Langlicher Offener Kasten (Elongated Open Box) - The Magazine Cover Box


Quadratischer Kasten mit Deckel (Square Box with Lid) - The Blintz Box

The text says, 'This box is particularly suitable for folding a colourful set, one of which always fits into the next larger one'.

Lids are made from slightly larger squares than the bases.


Geldtashchen (Purse) - The Wallet


Der Faltschnitt (Cutting and Folding)

Schonheitsformen (Folds of Beauty) - Aufschneiden

Although the author describes these forms as Schonheitsformen they are in fact simplified versions of Frobel's Aufschneiden designs.


Baumschmuck (Tree Ornaments)


How to Climb Through a Playing Card


The Fold and Slit Cage


The Walking Doll

The text says, 'The doll gets a small slit in her skirt. The skirt is bent back a little there, then the doll can stand. By blowing softly she begins to walk on the table.'


The book also contains instructions for making various other designs using Fold and Cut, Fold, Cut and Fold and Cardboard Modelling techniques. See illustrations below.


Selected Pages
