The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 19/2/2024


Handkerchief Folding
This page is being used to collect information about the history of Handkerchief Folding. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

There is a separate page about the folding of tablecloths, napkins and serviettes.



The Handkerchief Mouse appears in 'Jeux et Jouets du Jeune Age' by Gaston Tissandier, which was published by G Masson in Paris in 1884.



Both the Handkerchief Mouse and the Handkerchief Man appear in 'Illustriertes Spielbuch fur Kinder' by Ida Bloch was published by Otto Spamer in Leipzig in 1891.



Illustrations of two handkerchief folds appear in 'Mes Jolie Jeux' by Henriette Suzanne Bres, which was published by Librairie Hachette in Paris in 1900.

Souris - The Handkerchief Mouse


Pantin - The Handkerchief Man



Several designs appear in 'Handicraft in the School', which was issued in four volumes by Gresham Publishing in London in 1910.

A Handkerchief Cap


A Handkerchief Rabbit


A Judge's Wig


A Handkerchief Man




A different way of making a human figure appears under the title 'Handkerchief Mannikins' in 'More Things Any Boy Can Make' by Joseph Leeming, which was published by D Appleton-Century Company in New York and London in 1936.



'Party Lines' by Robert Harbin, which was published by the Olbourne Book Co in London in 1963, contained a number of designs flded from handkerchiefs.

Handkerchief Sausage


Handkerchief Doughnut


Handkerchief Mouse


The Ballet Dancer
