The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 2/4/2024 x |
How to Pass a Big Coin Through a Small Hole | |||||||
page isbeing used to collect information about the
history of how to pass a big coin through a small hole.
Please contact me if you know any of this information is
incorrect or if you have any other information that
should be added. Thank you. ********** 1893 As faras I know this effect was published in L'Illustration 2571 of 4th June 1892 and subsequently included in Volume 3 of 'La Science Amusante' by Tom Tit (real name Arthur Good), which was published in 1893. ********** The effect also appears: 1918 As 'A Camel Through the Needle's Eye' in 'Scientific Amusements' (an English translation of some of the material from volumes 2 and 3 of 'La Science Amusante' by Tom Tit) which was published by Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd in London in 1918. ********** In 'Ciencia Recreativa' by Jose Estralella, which was published by Gustavo Gili in Barcelona in 1918.
********** 1931 As a puzzle in 'Puzzles and Curious Problems', which was published by Thomas Nelson in London in 1931. Solution ********** 1932 In 'Winter Nights Entertainments' by R M Abraham, which was first published by Constable and Constable in London in 1932, under the title of 'Camel Through The Eye Of A Needle'. ********** |