The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 28/3/2024


La Science Amusante by Tom Tit: Volume 1, 1890
'La Science Amusante' by Tom Tit (real name Arthur Good) was published in three volumes in Paris by Librairie Larousse during the years 1890, 1892 and 1893. Each volume is a collection of articles, mainly of scientific experiments using everyday objects, which had been previously published in the French magazine L'Illustration. Michel Grand has kindly provided the issue nos and dates of some of these earlier publications.

This page is about Volume 1. There are also pages about Volume 2 and Volume 3.

A complete copy of Volume 1 can be accessed online here by clicking on the cover illustration here: La science amusante: 100 expériences (1890)

Details of publications in other languages etc can be found in The Paperfolding of Arthur Good.

Illustrations from those articles in the original volumes which make use of, or refer to, paperfolding in some way are shown below.


The Newspaper Hat


Paper Flights

No information on original issue or publication date available


How to Climb Through A Playing Card

No information on original issue or publication date available
