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Tresor des Jeux by Carlo Antonio, 1759
'Tresor des Jeux' by Carlo Antonio was published in Geneva by Henri-Albert Gosse & Comp and in La Haye, The Netherlands, by Pierre Gosse, Junior, both in 1759. As far as I know the two editions were identical. It is clearly closely related to the 1723 edition of 'Récréations mathématiques et physiques' by Jaques Ozanam.

A full copy of the La Haye edition can be found online here.




Note that figure 34 is missing from the list of the figures. Compare Ozanam and Alberti.


The Cherries Puzzle


While it is not completely clear how the instructions / illustrations shown here are to be translated / interpreted, I believe it is most likely that they are intended to be for the How to make a Chain from a Playing Card effect.

