The Public Paperfolding History Project
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Paper Toy Making by Margaret Campbell, 1937 | |||||||
Toy Making' by Margaret Campbell was first published by
Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd in London, probably in
1937, although both the Foreword and Preface are dated
1936, which argues that the book was complete at that
date. In his Preface, Margaret Campbell's son, Roy, says 'Though she includes many of the traditional tricks, a great many more of these paper structures are of her own invention.' Unfortunately the text of the book does not clarify which are which. In her Introduction, Margaret Campbell herself states 'I learned much of my paper-folding in Japan, China and other Eastern countries ...'. The text does not, however, clarify which designs she learned during her travels and which were obtained from other published sources. The book is not divided into formal chapters or sections. The contents are: Envelope The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Picture Frame The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Handbag The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Drinking-Cup - The Paper Cup ********** The Cup and Saucer ********** Windmill ********** The Dustpan (The Winnowing Box) ********** The Doll's Bed (The Cradle) ********** Quack-Quack (The Paper Boat Snapper) ********** Dart (The Paper Dart) ********** Picnic Salt Cellar (The Salt Cellar) ********** Boat (The Boat with Sail) ********** The Pig ********** Flower Basket ********** Bears (The Chain of Dolls) ********** Revolving Windmill (The Cut and Fold Windmill) ********** Xmas Decoration (Fold, Cut and Fold Paper Garland / How to Climb Through A Playing Card) ********** The King's Crown ********** Book Mark (simplification of the Fold and Cut Chevron Bookmark) ********** To Plait Papers for Hats The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Fan The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Lantern (The Fold and Cut Paper Lantern) ********** Hat (The Pyramidal Hat) ********** Boat (The Paper Boat) ********** Ladder (The Newspaper Ladder) ********** Stork (The Crane) ********** Closed Box (The Catherine of Cleves Box) ********** Paper 'Bomb' (The Paper Banger) ********** Purse - The Wallet ********** The Cicada ********** Poplar Tree (A variant of the Newspaper Tree using only four small cuts) ********** Palm Tree (The Tree) ********** Aeroplane (The Swallow) ********** Umbrella The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Lily ********** Snake (a development of the Witch's Ladder) ********** Envelope (The Menko) ********** The Harlequin Stamp Box (The Tematebako) ********** Duck (The Fat Sparrow) ********** Butterfly (Two Sheet Pleated Butterfly) ********** Plaited Belt - The Plaited Belt ********** Japanese Helmet (The Kabuto) ********** Lover's Knot ********** Chinese Junk ********** Japanese Matchbox and Ash-Tray ********** Paper Basket (The Fold and Slit Paper Cage) ********** Lifeboat (The Sampan) ********** Ornamental Box ********** Japanese Ornamental Ball ********** Long-toed Frog ********** The Table ********** Table-Cloth (The Paper Doily) ********** Table-Centre (This design is the same as the Picture Frame but intended to be used as a decorative table-centre) ********** Accordian Pleated Paper Ribbon (This is simply a quick method of accordion pleating a long strip of paper) ********** Table Napkin The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** Guests (A cross between Chain of Dolls and the Paper Doily) ********** Inflated Frog ********** Box on Four Feet (The Sanbo on Legs) ********** Cow (A development of The Sanbo on Legs) ********** Lemur (A development of The Sanbo on Legs) ********** The Man (The Jacket and Trousers) ********** The Horse (A development of The Sanbo on Legs) ********** The Rider A development of The Jacket) ********** The Kettle ********** The Bellows ********** The Water Bomb ********** Chinese Lantern (A version of the Water Bomb) ********** Kangaroo ********** Cockroach ********** Cuttlefish ********** Bull Frog (The Blow-up Frog) ********** Hooded Frog ********** Kite The details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** The Fish (Shark) ********** The Flying Bird (The Flapping Bird) ********** Penguin ********** Open Box (The Blintz Box or Masu) ********** The Rose I am not quite sure what the finished design should look like. The final instructions say: For this reason the details of this design have not been carried over into a more specific page. ********** |