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Last updated 2/4/2024


Onomatologia curiosa artificiosa et magica oder ganz natürliches Zauber-lexicon by Johann Christian Wiegleb, 1759
'Onomatologia curiosa artificiosa et magica oder ganz natürliches Zauber-lexicon' by Johann Christian Wiegleb was published in 1759. It is an encyclopaedia, consisting of some 1524 columns of text, in which there are several mentions of paperfolding.

In his notes on Recreations with Paper (available via Edwin Corrie states that the book is an 'encyclopedic compilation from various earlier sources by multiple anonymous authors'.

A full copy of the work can be accessed here.



Columns 152/3 - The Three Scrolls


Columns 182/3 - Tabulae Striatae / Multiple-Image Pleated Paper Pictures

There is also reference to Multiple Image Folded Pictures in Columns 592/3 under the heading Falten


Paper Pans

Column 240 - A Paper Frying Pan

There is also reference to cooking in a Paper Pan in columns 577/8


Columns 256/7 - A method of Letter Locking


Column 340 - How to find the centre of a circle by folding


Columns 444/5 - How to write neatly in the dark


Columns 593/4 - Falten - Serviette Folding

The last sentence says, roughly, 'Such serviette folds can be found in many books about butchery, the description of which, however, will not be of much use if you are not otherwise practiced at making them or have paper models to hand.'


Columns 895/6 - Covering a Ball with Paper - Globus Gores


Column 1075 - Pappier krachend zu machen - The Primitive Paper Banger

This primitive banger is made by folding a sheet of paper in half and then in half again and worked by grasping the two interior layers, then making a sharp throwing motion with the hand.


Column 1076 - The Three Pieces Puzzle


Column 1077 - How to Drop a Strip of Paper to Land on One Edge


Column 1231 - Schlangen von Pappier zu machen (Making paper snakes) - The Spiral Snake

Two paper snakes are mentioned here. The first is just a just a flat piece of paper which wriggles when put near an oven, the second is the familiar spiral snake.


The spiral version is also mentioned in columns 143/4
