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Last updated 4/12/2024


The Collapsible Box
This page is being used to collect information about the design I call the Collapsible Box. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

The Collapsible Box is a version of the Basic Box, commonly folded from a 3x2 rectangle. There appear to be two different ways of shaping the handles.

Some versions of the Workman's Hat begin by folding a Collapsible Box (though using a different folding sequence, which can be to fold a box from rectangles of many other proportions).


In China (and in publications by Chinese authors)


Diagrams for this design appear in 'Zhe zhi tu shuo' (Illustrated Paperfolding), compiled by Gui Shaolie, which was published by the Commercial Press in Shanghai in Ming guo 3 (1914).


In Japan (and in publications by Japanese authors)


This illustration of the Collapsible Box is taken from 'Onna Shorei Shutaizen' by Tatsunobo Kitao which was published in 1751. Sourced from 'Oru Kikoro', the catalogue of an exhibition on paperfolding history held in Tatsuno City History and Culture Museum in 1999.



This print by Kunisada Utagawa showing a Collapsible Box can be dated to 1843. Sourced from 'Oru Kikoro', the catalogue of an exhibition on paperfolding history held in Tatsuno City History and Culture Museum in 1999.



This print, also by by Kunisada Utagawa, and also showing a Collapsible Box, can be dated to 1844. Sourced from 'Oru Kikoro', the catalogue of an exhibition on paperfolding history held in Tatsuno City History and Culture Museum in 1999. The rectangle in the bottom right corner is an overlap from another print.



A Collapsible Box, in its flattened form, appears in this print by Utagawa Hiroshige and Utagawa Yoshitora from 'Kyoka chakizai gazoshu', which was published in 1855.



Diagrams for the Collapsible Box appear in 1893 in volume 5 issue 20 of 'Shokokumin' children's magazine.



FlattenedColapsible Boes also appear in this print byKamisaka Sekka from Vol 2 of 'Koromogae', which was published in 1901.



Diagrams for the Collapsible Box appear in 'Shukoka Kyoju Saian' by Gentaro Tanahashi and Hideyoshi Okayama, which was published by Hobunkan in Tokyo in 1905.


Collapsible Boxes appear in this print by Shimomura Gyokko from Vol 2 of 'Meijiburi', which was published in 1905.



A drawing of a design that appears to be the Collapsible Box appears in a monozukushi-e print, by an unknown artist, but said to be from the Meiji era. I have temporarily assigned it the date of 1912, the last year of that era, pending the discovery of more accurate information.



'Origami Shuko' by Isao Honda, which was published in 1944, contains diagrams for both kinds of Collapsible Box. The one with pointed handles is referred to as a Tatamibako.


The Collapsible Box also appears:


As 'The Folding Box' in 'How to Make Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Toto Shuppan Co. Ltd in Japan. by McDowell Obolensky of New York in the USA and by Museum Press Ltd of London in England, in 1959.



As 'A Folding Box' in 'All About Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Toto Bunka Company, Limited in Tokyo in 1960.



Two versions of the Collapsible Box appear in 'The World of Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published in the USA by Japan Publications Trading Company in 1965.
