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Last updated 22/12/2023


Moral Culture of Infancy and Kindergarten Guide by Mrs Horace Mann and Elizabeth P Peabody, 1869

The second edition of 'Moral Culture of Infancy and Kindergarten Guide' by Mrs Horace Mann (Mary Tyler Peabody) and Elizabeth P Peabody was published by J W Schemerhorn and Co in New York in 1869. The information on this page is taken from the 1870 third edition, which, however, I believe to be identical to the second.

Changes from the first edition are noted in the Analysis.

A full copy of the work can be accessed here.


Selected Pages



From Chapter VI: Kindergarten Occupations

In contrast to the 1863 edition this section ofthe work no longer refers exclusively to the folding and cutting of symmetrical designs but also describes 'the making of a multitude of forms of life', although in very general terms. The most interesting part of this section is probably the statement 'I have seen, in one of the Kindergartens, five hundred different figures made out of the simple square, variously folded and cut.'


From Chapter IX: Geometry

This section explains how to use simple Forms of Knowledge to teach basic geometry. It is similar to, but not the same as, the corresponding section in the original 1863 edition.
