The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 25/12/2025 x |
L'Annee Preparatoire de Travail Manuel by M P Martin, 1893 | |||||||
Preparatoire de Travail Manuel' by M P Martin was
published by Armand Collin & Cie in Paris in 1893. A full copy can be accessed online here. ********** Strip Folded Alphabet The missing letters are K, W and Y
********** Strip Folded Numbers ********** Shapes folded from a Single Strip (not all shapes given in the book are shown here) ********** Shapes folded from a Doubled Strip (not all shapes given in the book are shown here) ********** Shapes folded from Two Strips (not all shapes given in the book are shown here) ********** Etoile Tressee - The Paper Rosette ********** Petit Bateau - The Keelboat ********** Fleche - The Paper Dart ********** Chapeau de Gendarme - The Newspaper Hat (Note that one flap is folded forwards and the other backwards, presumably to facilitate the folding of the Mitre which follows.) ********** Mitre Persane (Persian Hat) - The Mitre ********** Bonnet D'Eveque / Bonnet Carre (Bishop's or Square Hat) - a variant of The Workman's Hat This design is a variant of the Workman's Hat (in which one flap is folded forwards and the other backwards, which makes the construction awkward, and the central flap is allowed to be upright rather than flattened.) ********** Bonnet de Police - The Pyramidal Hat ********** Petit Bateau - The Paper Boat ********** How to Cover a Book ********** Boite de Patissier - The Patisserie Box ********** Bateau a Fond Plat - The Flat Bottomed Boat ********** Bonnet de Police - The Pattiserie Box Hat ********** La Table - The Table ********** Moulin - The Windmill ********** Petite Saliers a Quatre Compartiments - The Salt Cellar ********** Etoile a Quatre Pointes - The Four Pointed Star ********** Vide-Poches a Quatre Compartiments - The Pepperpot ********** Autre Etoiles - Other Stars ********** Berceau avec son Rideau (Cradle with Curtain) - The Boat with Sail ********** The Cocotte or Poule ********** Double Pirogue - The Double Boat ********** Bateau a Voile - The Double Boat with Sail ********** Serviette D'Avocat (Lawyer's Box) - The Junk Box (squashed) ********** Boite Carree et Panier a Double Couvercle (Square Box and Basket with Double Lid) - The Junk Box (with the flaps folded down) ********** Glace et son Cadre (Mirror and it's Frame) - The Picture Frame / The Looking Glass ********** Gondole - The Chinese Junk ********** Soufflet - The Bellows ********** Boite Cubique ou Prison a Mouches (Cubic Box or Prison for Flies) - The Waterbomb ********** |