The Public Paperfolding History Project
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Joujoux En Papier by Tom Tit | |||||||
En Papier' by Tom Tit was published in Paris by Paul
Lechevalier in 1924. Almost all the projects in the book
involve folding paper but many of them after much cutting
has taken place.Those projects which are of particular
interest to the paperfolding historian are listed /
illustrated below. A full copy of the work can be viewed at ********** L'Etoile A Devider - a two part modular Star of David folded from equilateral triangles. ********** Bonbonierre Pliante - A lidded box made in three pieces using cuts. ********** Le Cri Du Veaux - The Noisemaker. ********** Les Anneaux Mysterieux - The Afghan Bands ********** Rosaces Decorative - Windmill base decorations ********** La Main Sanglante - A hand whose fingers curl when placed in water. ********** Pencil Stand - a pure origami fold from a carte de visite ********** Le Gobelet de Voyage - the Paper Cup ********** Le Papier Du Pere Mathieu - Troublewit ********** La Marmite - the Kettle ********** Des Bonhommes - The Suit of Clothes ********** La Peniche - a paper boat from a rectangle. ********** |