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Last updated 15/2/2024


El Plegado y Cartonaje en la Escuela Primaria by Antonio M Luchia and Corina Luciani de Luchia, 1940
'El Plegado y Cartonaje en la Escuela Primaria' by Antonio M Luchia and Corina Luciani de Luchia was published by Editorial Kapelusz in Buenos Aires in 1940.

Many of the designs in this book make use of cuts to simplify the folding method.

A full copy of the book can be found online at

I have not included all the material in the book on this page. I have omitted some of the very simple folds with which the book begins, some examples of cardboard modelling / cartonaje and some of the mathematical paperfolds with which the book ends.

Letras - A Simple Alphabet, Punctuation Marks and Numbers and Mathematical Symbols folded from paper strips


Repisa Rinconera (Corner Shelf)

(Made from a blintzed square with the aid of a cut)


Vasito (Glass) - The Paper Cup


Repisa de Dos Mensulas (Two Bracket Shelf) - The Shelf


Salero - The Salt Cellar


Mesa Mantel de Cuatro Puntas (Tablecloth with Four Corners) - The Tablecloth


Bote Doble - The Double Boat


Molinete - The Windmill


Florero (Vase) - The Vase


Bote Chino - The Boat with Sail


Cuna (Cradle) - made from the Boat with sail by tucking away the back corners.


Pez de Boca Grande (Big Mouth Fish) - The Monster Fish


Pez Raya (Ray Fish) -


Cuadrado Imbricado Roseta -


Bandeja, Bombonera o Polvera (Tray, Bonbonniere or Compact)

(A simplified version of the Caja Japonesa below, made with the aid of cuts).


Bandejo Media Cubo (Half Cube Tray)

(The same design as above but configured in a different way)


Montera - The Newspaper Hat


Tarjetero o Gorro de Aguas - Wastebin or Sou'wester


Gorro de Policia - The Pyramidal Hat


Barquito Comun - The Paper Boat


Bandeja / Canastilla (Tray / Layette) -

The second design is a three-dimensionalised version of the first.


Pajarita Simple - The Cocotte / Pajarita


Patito (Duckling) - The Duck


Caballito (Rocking Horse) -


Mesa Cuadrado Doble - The Table (but folded from a blintz windmill base)


Bote de Dos Velas


Caja Japonesa -


Bomba o Cubo Coplado - The Waterbomb


Farolito Japonais (Japanese Lantern) - The Kettle

(This design, and the two variations which follow, have all had a hole cut in the top)


Tetera (Teapot) -


Azucarera (Sugar Bowl) -


Cofre Japonais (Japanese Chest)


Roseta de Cuatro Puntas (Four-Pointed Rosette) -

(Folded from a blintz windmill base)

(Which, oddly, has eight points)


Mesa Mantel de Tres Puntas (Tablecloth with Three Corners)


Roseta de Tres Puntas (Rosette with Three Points) -

(several variations including the one shown below)


Cerdito - The Pig


Gorro de Base Cuadrada - Le Bonnet Carre


Mitra - The Tuck-in Mitre


Gorro de Pintor (Painter's Hat) (1) -

(A simple variant of the Mitre)


Gorro de Pintor (Painter's Hat) (2) -

(Made from the House)


Birrete de Obispo -

(derived from the design above)


Portalapices - Le Portes-Allumettes


Mariposa - The Flapping Butterfly


Aeroplano - The Swallow


Fuelle - The Bellows


Gatito - The Wild Man of Borneo


Roseta de Seis Puntas - The One-Piece Star of David

(Folded from an equilateral triangle)


Poligonos Resurgidos (Raised Polygons)

(A more complex version of the Repisa Rinconera (Corner Shelf) above)


Bandeja o Bombonera Octagonal con Resurgido Interior (Octagonal Tray or Bonbonniere with Raised Interior)

(Developed from an 8x8 grid using cuts)


Petardo - The Single-Barrelled Banger


Sombrilla (Umbrella)


Molino de Viento (Windmill)


Muneco (Doll) -


Carpa - The Tent


Paraguas Cerrado (Closed Umbrella)


Pajarita de Alas Movibles - The Flapping Bird


Dromedario (Dromedary)




Asno Carguero - The Donkey with Panniers


Figuras Simetricos Recortadas - Paper Friezes and Paper Doilies


Siluetas Recortadas - Fold and Cut Figures and Chain of Dolls


Meubles Plegados (Folded Furniture) -


Construccion del Triangulo Equilatero


Construccion del Pentagono (1) - The Pentagonal Knot


Construccion del Pentagono (2) - Construction of a Regular Pentagon


Construccion del Hexagono (1) - Construction of a Regular Hexagon from an Equilateral Triangle


Construccion del Hexagono (2) - Construction of a Regular Hexagon from a Rectangle


Construccion del Rhombo - Construction of a Rhombus from an Equilateral Triangle


Construccion del Parelelogramo - Construction of a Parallelogram from a Square


Construccion del Octagono (1) - Construction of a Regular Octagon from Two Squares


Construccion del Octagono (2) - Construction of a Regular Octagon from a Single Square


Construccion del Decagono - Construction of a Regular Decagon from a Regular Pentagon


Construccion del Dodecagono - Construction of a Regular Dodecagon from a Regular Hexagon


Construccion del Cubo (1) - Construction of a Cube in Two Parts


Construccion del Cubo (2) - Construction of a Cube from a 4x4 Grid using Cuts


Construccion del Cubo (3) - Construction of a Cube from a 3x4 Grid using Cuts


Caja cubica - Cubic Box from a 5x5 Grid using Cuts


Construccion del Prisma - Construction of a Square Prism from a 4x4 Grid using Cuts


Tetraedro - Construction of a Tetrahedron from a Net Folded and Cut from a Square


Octaedro - Construction of an Octahedron from a Net Folded and Cut from a Rectangle


Icosaedro - Construction of an Icosahedron from a Net Folded and Cut from a Regular Hexagon


Ajuste de Papeles - Standard Polyhedral Nets


Strip Folding Figures
