The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 31/11/2024


The Wallet

This page is being used to collect information about the history of the paperfolding design I call the Wallet, although it has many other names in the literature. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.



As far as I am aware, this Wallet, which is folded from a 3x2 rectangle, first appears in the historical record in 'Des Kindes Erste Beschaftigungsbuch' by E Barth and W Niederley. The title page is undated but the foreword is dated October 1876.


The design also appears:


As 'portefeuille en papier' in 'Cours de Travail Manuel (Pour les Garcons) - Premiere Partie - Cours Elementaire' by A Planty, which was published by Gedalge Jeune in Paris in 1887.

In the introduction to Chapter 1 the author says, roughly translated, 'Everyone is familiar with these folds, because everyone was a child ... made what we called the wallet to hold his feathers or his 'bon points'.



In 'Het Vlechten' by Elise Van Calcar, which was published by A.W. Sijthoff in Leiden in 1881. This book is fundamentally a Dutch version of 'Des Kindes Erste Beschaftigungsbuch' by E Barth and W Niederley (see above).



As 'The Stamp Case' in 'Pleasant Work for Busy Fingers' by Maggie Browne, which was published by Cassell and Company in London in 1891. This book is fundamentally an English version of 'Des Kindes Erste Beschaftigungsbuch' by E Barth and W Niederley (see above).



As 'Brieftasche' in 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hildergard Gierke and Alice Kuczynski, which was published by Drud und Verlag B G Teubner in Leipzig and Berlin in 1910.



In 'Häusliche Kleinkunst und Bastelarbeit in Wort und Bild' by Hermann Pfeiffer, which was published by Verlag von Hermann Zieger in Leipzig in 1911.



As 'Simple Flap Purse' in 'More Paper Magic' by Will Blyth, which was published by C Arthur Pearson in London in 1923.



As 'Brieftashe' in the revised 3rd edition of 'Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein' by Johanna Huber, which was published by Otto Maier in Ravensburg, Germany in 1931.



As 'Geldtashchen' (Purse) in 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hilde Wulff and Carola Babick, which was published in Leipzig and Berlin in 1936.



In Margaret Campbell's 'Paper Toy Making', which was first published by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd in London, probably in 1937, although both the Foreword and Preface are dated 1936, which argues that the book was complete at that date.



As 'La Cartera' (The Wallet) appears in 'El Mundo de Papel' by Dr Nemesio Montero, which was published by G Miranda in Edicions Infancia in Valladolid in 1939.



As 'Le Porte-Monnaie' appears in 'Au Pays des Mains Agiles', which was published by Editions Fleurus in Paris in 1949.



In 'Paper Magic' by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne in London in 1956.



As 'Geldtasche' in 'Wir Falten' by Joachim Schönherr and Gerta Schumann, which was published by Rudolf Arnold Verlag in Leipzig in 1961.



A design for a 'Handbag' appears in the second edition of 'Het Grote Vouwboek' by Aart van Breda, which was published by Uitgeverij van Breda in 1963.
