The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Le Livre des Amusettes by Toto, 1899
'Le Livre des Amusettes' by Toto was published in Paris by Charles Mendel in 1899. It contains several chapters explaining folded paper amusements and designs. A complete copy can be found at

Amusettes Avec Le Papier

9. La Cocotte (The Pajarita)


10. Le Bateau Double (The Double Boat)

11. Le Bateau a Cabine (The Boat with Sail)

13. Le Bonnet D'Eveque (The Bishop's Cap)

15. La Saliere (The Salt Cellar)

16. La Gamelle (The Junk Box)

17. Le Portefeuille (The Portfolio)


20/22. Les Croix (The Cross and the Double Cross)

23. Le Chapeau (The Newspaper Hat)

24. Le Bonnet de Police (The Police Hat)

28. La Chaloupe (The Paper Boat)


29. Casquet Moyen Age (Medieval Hat)

30. Le Plateau (The Tray)

32. La Fleche (The Dart)

36. L'Etoile (The Fold and One Cut Pentagram)

40. L'Echelle (The Fold and One Cut Ladder)


Le Moulin a Vente (The Cut and Fold Windmill)


Le Papier Magique (The Magic Paper)

Le Parachute (The Paper Parachute)


L'Encensoir (The Fold and Slit Cage)


L'Eventail (The Fan)

L'Abat-Jour (The Shade)

Le Grimacier


Les Anneaux de Papier (The Afghan Bands)


Le Livre Magique (The Magic Painting Book)


Les Metamorphoses D'un Papier (Troublewit)


Amusettes Diverse

This chapter contains instructions for making various non paper based amusettes including:

La Charniere Japonaise (Jacob's Ladder)

which is of interest to the paperfolding historian as a precursor to flexagons
