The Public Paperfolding History Project

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The Girl's Own Toymaker by E Landells and Alice Landells
'The Girl's Own Toymaker' by Ebenezer Landells and Alice Landells was published in 1860 by Griffin and Farran in London and Shephard, Clark and Brown in Boston.

It contains, among other things, chapters on Paper Toys and Cardboard Toys.

The chapter on Paper Toys is mostly concerned with paperfolding and explains how to make:


Dancing Dolls - the Chain of Dolls


Paper Cuttings - the Fold and Cut Paper Doily


Fly Catcher - Fold and Cut Paper Tinsel)


Screen - Pleated Circular Fan)


The chapter on Cardboard Toys contains, inter alia:

A Pyramid of Cards (no folding involved)


Combinations of Geometrical Forms (Froebelian type exercise using cards folded in half)
